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Sad to say coach Len Thornton has passed away . He was a good man and a good mentor .

Steve Neel
Lori Wells...anybody know how to get in touch with her?

I see a picture of her on this site she is in the Sadie Hawkins pic.  Please forward my contact info to anyone who can get in touch with her.



Rod Harrell


Rod Harrell
Blog from classmate Allison Farnsworth
Successful Reunion

Hello All,

Just want to take this time to thank all of you that took time out of your busy lives to come and see old friends.  A great time was had by all.  We missed those of you who weren't able to join us, hopefully you will be able to make it next time.  More than likely we will have something in 5 years.  Please keep me updated on any new address or e-mail changes.

Thanks again,

Wendy Chrisman (Baldwin)

Wendy Chrisman
Great reunion - Posted by Steve Neel

Had a good time it was great to see all of my old classmates . 

Steve Neel
Howdy Highlander Alumni

I hope all is well with you.  I live in beautiful North County San Diego and I love it in Southern Cal.

I am so blessed to have a job that I deeply love!  I teach horseback riding lessons to beginners and all ages of Children and adults with special needs like autism, down syndrome and cerebral palsy.

I have one beautiful daughter that just turned 16 on Friday, and passed her drivers test today.  YAY!  We are not only very proud of the young lady she has begun, we are really excited that we don't have to taxi around  bunch of teenagers....hahaha

It is unfortunate, but I will be unable to make it this year's "30"th reunion.   I hope that all of you have a wonderful time!!  Please write on this blog to let me know how the reunion was.  I look very forward to seeing pictures of all of you that have attended!

 I hope you are well and blessed...


 Monica "Draper" Collins

picture of my teo favorite people...

My father and my beautiful daughter, Alli

Monika Draper
Hey Class of 81

Just wanted to say hi to you all. I still live in Fresno working as a graphic artist and still do my own art and some freelance work here and there. I'm married with 3 boys.

That's it for now, take care and write back

Henry Contreras

Henry Contreras
See Photos & Videos from McLane 1980-1981

See Photos & Videos from McLane 1980-1981:

James Acomb